Introduction to coloured candles and meaning and there rituals.

In the rituals we will be using various colored candles.
Each color has been given its own vibratory influence. Since
only the color is important, it makes no difference as to the
size or shape of the candle. The colors we will be working with
and their vibratory influences are:
Adds to spiritual strength, breaks
curses or crossed conditions,
represents faith, purity, truth and
.Overcomes evil, represents hon-
or, love, morality, friendship,
general success.
.Love, sexuality, good health,
strength and physical vigor.
.EncouragemenL strengthens the
ability to concentrate, attrac-
What b Magick / 5
tion, adaptability, stimulation.
YELLOW Attraction, persuasion (can
change minds), instills con-
fidence, charm.
GREEN Money, luck, financial success
and prosperity, fertility, good crops
and harvest, cooperation.
LIGHT BLCIE Understanding, health, tran-
quility, protection, peace, gen-
eral happiness, sharpens the
power to perceive, spiritual aware-
ness, patience.
DARK BLUE Depression, moodiness, change-
ability, impulsiveness, unfor-
tunate and very subduing.
PURPLE Ambition, promotes business
progress, power (worldly, psy-
chic or magickal), causes ten-
sion, strengthens willpower.
BROWN Hesitation in all matters, uncer-
tainty and doubt, neutrality, robs
BLACK Sadness and mourning, evil, loss,
discord, confusion.
GRAY Cancellation, stalemate, neu-
GREENISH YELLOW Jealousy and anger, sickness,
quarrels, discord, cowardice.
To give added strength to the vibratory influences of the
candles in ritual they should be first “Blessed” to remove any
negative vibrations and dirt, then “Dressed” to set firmly the
desired vibrations you want in your ritual. The manner for
“blessing” is given in the section titled “Preliminary to Ritual”.

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